Monday, June 29, 2009

Super secret meeting!

There is some weird shit going on. An odd collection of managers were taken to one side, and had a meeting with all the executives minus Henry and Arnold the SVP of Sales.

Henry, one of the board directors, basically asked the people "why does Hank Commerce suck". Now, I just heard this from Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir, so don't know how much of this is true. What apparently then took place was that everybody started to bitch and moan about how the company was being run, lack of leadership especially by Henry, never making the revenue goals and loosing people on a daily basis.

Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir said that he was the only one to defend Henry and said that everybody else in the room were traitors for even thinking some of this stuff, and he was going to tell Henry all about it. Apparently Euro-Fool told him stop kissing Henry's ass. I heard from somebody else that they had to be separated again.

I don't know what this means. It could be a bunch of BS or … I bear to think what this could really mean. We have all read Barbarians at the Gate to know what happens, but really Henry must be on a solid foundation especially with the board. There can't possibly be a take-over?

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 0 (no more drinking!)
Shots : 0 (no more drinking!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more dinners!)
Weight : 180 lbs

Monday, June 22, 2009

We can't test!

So its all going belly up. If I get the rumors right, Mega Enterprise is never going to make it. It basically comes down to this. For every day we test, we add three days onto the end date. If I do the math right, then we will finish the test cycle mid 2010. That's before you add in the re-opend bugs, so that puts us towards the end of 2010.

So we have to help QA. It sucks. Basically every day we get a list of bugs to verify because the lazy pieces of crap in the Applications QA team can't do it, they are "too busy". Sure, I love to make a latte in the morning, but I don't need to make three and then discuss the merits of Amber versus the New Indian Chaat Cafe before I log onto my machine in the morning.I twitter about it instead, that way my friends and colleagues get it on demand.

So I get my list of five bugs assigned each day, we have "testing hour" at noon. I'm there with a bunch of the other engineers not at happy with doing QA's job. As the QA Manager told us, we are "taking one for the team". Sure, I fell better about it already.

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 0 (no more drinking!)
Shots : 0 (no more drinking!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more dinners!)
Weight : 181 lbs

Monday, June 15, 2009

Finger pointing!

It was awesome, I have never seen anything like this before. In the middle of the floor Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir and Euro-Fool were in a ice hockey brawl in-front of everybody. It was so out of control, but very cool to see that raw energy and passion.

Apparently, very unreasonable, Euro-Fool wanted to get a plan of what work was needed to complete Mega Enterprise and which resources were assigned to which tasks. I mean, its so last century to put together a resource plan and then resource level it! We are agile, we don't do that shit! Its the whole point of SCRUM, we do everything in small increments, we adapt as we go along, we don't even need designs because we formulate our ideas as we progress. It does away with all that unnecessary time spent spec writing, reviews, allocating resource and all the stuff in the IBM, Microsoft or Yahoo! handbook. We are not burdened with all the old skool stuff.

Lonely-James tried to inject himself and calm the situation down, but was told to "Fuck off, arm pits". Not very complimentary in my view. Finally Constantine came in and calmed the situation down. I'm not sure that the putting them both in an arm lock was the best idea, but he had to do something, there was going to be murder otherwise.

So I think its a clash of cultures. The ad-hoc "we are agile and we know best, trust us" versus the "old school plan, plan, plan and TPS reports".

The empire may have struck back, but Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir so got one over Euro-Fool!

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 0 (no more drinking!)
Shots : 0 (no more drinking!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more dinners!)
Weight : 182 lbs

Monday, June 8, 2009

Margarita blend off!

It was the dope man. I mean, the company went crazy for it, it was just like spring break in 2003 with my frat pals on Miami beach. Crazy, crazy time.

Most of HR was either rift'ed or quit, so one of the recruiters has been running the show. Old-Dude-In-HR-That's-Cool seem pretty savvy. So somehow he got Henry to sign off on a Margarita blend off.

Our team had practiced for weeks on various combinations, developing our simple syrups and infusions. Boy, we got so out of our minds most nights trying to get the perfect mix. Finally it was the afternoon of the event. There were a whole bunch of stands, costumes and more liquor than a Patricks Day parade!

We called ours the "Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir-But-Make-It-A-Margarita-Margarita". It was the bomb. It was so strong that we limited everybody to two cups only. We were assured of victory.

Henry was there with the rest of his H-Staff, he looked great after his two week vacation in the Bahamas, all bronzed and relaxed. Wish he could have changed out of the flip flops though.

First up in front of the judges was Euro-Fools team. Man, he is so full of it and made the worst mistake. It wasn't even a Margarita the dumb ass. We went on about hand crafted, bla-bla-bla. Who gives man! It was some sort of rum punch, I had some it sucked!

Then the Mexican-Wrestles came up from the Applications team. I was scared, they looked like left overs from Gay Pride, weird. Theres was pretty good, but too fruity for me.

Then there was a bunch of marketing people, they talked a lot but their drink lacked any substance. Looked nice though. A couple of the Ops team had something that looked like a roadkill and probably was.

Last up, and this was Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir's master stroke was our team. He gave an very motivating speech, something about his humble upbringing and how it owes everything to Henry but he's sorry about this pictures he took of Henry and that Russian, err "Model". It was moving.

By this time, H-Staff were wasted. They handed over the score cards to Henry's "assistant". Some time past. Then some more time passed. More drinks were had. Then finally, the results came through. It had been a pretty tough task to add up all those numbers, but she had done it.

It was shocking, you could hear the sharp intake of breath. Euro-Fool had won, and it hadn't even been a f**king Margarita! Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir was pissed and got in it face to face with Henry. Next thing I hear is the sound of breaking glass and blood everywhere. It not clear what had happened. Some say Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir swung at Henry and missed, others say that Beam-Me-Up was so drunk he just fell through the window. All I know is that Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir grabbed his helmet and hit the road.

It was a shocking end to an amazing day!

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 0 (no more drinking!))
Shots : 16 (it was the blend off)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more dinners!)
Weight : 183 lbs

Monday, June 1, 2009


Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir is pissed. Like I mean really pissed. So pissed that he missed his beloved bocce games all week. All of Constantine's staff have been locked up in a meeting room for hours at a time with various graphs and charts being projected. There were in the conference room next to my desk so I got to watch in real time, mega cool.

Constantine did not look happy as Lonely-James waved his sweaty armpits around. I could not understand what the F**k the charts meant and I'm working on Mega Enterprise. After Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir calmed down a little, apparently the QA testing and bug rates are all to shit and there is no way they are going to make the 1-July release date. All the stuff for American City Bank that has priority, Stacy also wants to get the iPhone Server part released and all sorts of other shit. Pity the client is another 6 months out.

So if Mega Enterprise slips, then it slips into September. The release process is a F**king zoo, with just about every other project (or animal in this case) ready to eat your hind.

Apparently the QA team are always "two weeks away" from having an answer to the basic question of what does your plan look like to execute the test plan. Like, dude that's a bit late in the cycle to be working out that shit! I mean, QA they are like a total waste of time, especially in the Applications team. I want to go up to Constantine and just tell him to "Trust Me". We are so part of the team that if the shit does hit that fan, we will be on it like a flash, debugging and hacking away at production to make this beast live!

Apparently, Henry promised this to the board, so he it totally f**ked.

We have a new rule, after 5.26pm you can drink at work, as long as you don't even look at keyboard. If Henry does not like that, then f**k him and his moccasins.

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 0 (no more drinking!))
Shots : 6 (I think I'm sacked (again)!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more dinners!)
Weight : 182 lbs