Monday, November 24, 2008

Big shouting match!

Not sure what the hell is going on. Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir and Constantine have been in meeting rooms all week. Lots of shouting, slamming doors, crying, going to Henry to "talk it out". Its got me and the rest of his team "seriously freaked out". I mean he is our blood, he is our glue, without him life could not possibly exist.

I think Euro-fool senses blood. He poached one of the team last week as part of the "Large Enterprise" product work. That seems to be sucking the life out of just about every team, Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir has stood up and said that its all bogus at the last company meting . Henry got super angry and apparently sacked him on the spot. Or well, the story says that he gave Constantine the authority to sack him and then kyboshed his actual sacking. Weird.

I've got my head down working on the shopping basket. Its looking pretty sweet. Even Geek-Babe came over to my desk for a demo last week. I don't think she noticed the sweating and my flustered nature, I think I got away with it.

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 6 (up 1 from last week)
Shots : 6 (up 2 from last week)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more dinners!)
Weight : 186 lbs

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dinners are gone!

Disaster. At the company meeting this week Henry said that we needed to "preserve cash". Its not clear to him what is going to happen in the financial meltdown that appears to be looming.

He left it at that. Later in the week, Javier who runs finance sends an email around, no more dinners. Pass me a hail-mary! How the hell I am supposed to do that debugging marathons on an empty stomach? How crazy is that!

I know that a bunch of those South Bay types basically come in late, have a long lunch, go for coffee, stay for dinner and then leave. I get that. Why pay a bunch of cash for people who are lazy? I thought that was what management were paid to do, find the weakest links and dispose of them. So you take the strongest players, like me, and then starve them. How does that help us be the next big internet story?

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 5 (same as last week)
Shots : 4 (down 2 from last week)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more dinners!)
Weight : 186 lbs

Monday, November 10, 2008

Henry is sick!

OMG. Henry is really sick. We had a company meeting postponed from before Labour Day because Henry was sick and this week he finally made it in to talk to us. I was expecting a deep dive on his meetings in New York and Charlotte, NC. He had been super sick for weeks, but as always put the company first and made sure he attended all his meetings (thank god for Henry).

Instead he told us all about how his assistant got a doctor to do a house call. Then he just talked about some super hot leggy brunette (the doctor), how he got her number and has been on a date with and that she is a total babe. How her ex used to play drums in some 80's hair band that I never heard of (Dokken, Motley Crue or something). I'm jealous, she sounded very hot.

So another meeting without a lot of details. I'm sure its building up to something *big* in the next couple of weeks. I'm sure its all going to be great news for the next big internet story.

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 5 (up 1 from last week)
Shots : 6 (up 2 from last week)
Dinner : 5 nights (5 x pizza)
Weight : 186 lbs

Monday, November 3, 2008

Apple's are cool, Apple's for management is bogus!

So Apple makes some sexy product, no doubt. The iPod was cool, despite being a re-package of what a zillion other companies have done. Yes, it needed that Newton inspired magic that only Apple can provide, but its still a hard disk and it could only play music. So they took it to the next level, went solid state and put in a phone, and then allowed a select few to develop application for it. Ok, so its cool.

Now the laptops? Ultra, mega cool. They are all very aluminum and cool. I have a IBM Thinkpad, which is black and very uncool. I think its a Leveno so even uncooler, its not even an American product, designed and made by Americans!

So Iron-Mike got me at the interview by saying essentially "Apple for everyone". Wow, I thought what an amazing and insightful company, putting its engineers first and not only giving them a cool laptop but BSD instead of Linux and Windows. How forward thinking. How progressive.

First I wanted to fit and and show everybody my true value to the organization. I think I'm there. So last week I ask Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir whether I could order an Apple. He turned around and said, and I'm quoting directly "Go f*king buy one yourself, only management get Apple's here". Thanks I thought, thanks a bunch. Then I scanned around me.

Of course Constantine has one, Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir obviously, but also Lonely-James, Stacy and Euro-Fool‚ he even has a MacBook Air, what a f*king pointless device that it, the poseur! And what do they use them for? Well Constantine does write code, the others just do email, IM, update bugs and PowerPoint, but mostly surf tech blogs and job sites. What a waste!

You know, I'm happy with my Leveno and I'm going to show them that.

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 4 (down 4 from last week)
Shots : 4 (down 4 from last week)
Dinner : 5 nights (5 x pizza)
Weight : 185 lbs