Monday, April 13, 2009

American City Bank does not go live!

Wow. Crazy few weeks. Everybody has been focusing on making the American City Bank launch successful. Lots of late nights, a whole team baby sitting the call each day and managing their issues. Lots of bugs, lots of missing requirements. I have a friend working on the code, sounds like they are writing it as they go along, nobody seems to have a clue how the API contracts should work. They are nailed down in terms of XML, but not the behaviors. I mean, how COBOL is that? They all sound like a bunch of old guys in some brown walled, nondescript office in Delaware. The peons don't work in the high end Manhattan office!

Finally American City Bank called off the launch. Apparently, they have some deal with their staff that they don't launch a product in a month with a Friday 13th, so we have to push out the launch past Feb.

Was looking forward to the mind bending party that Henry had promised. He said he would take "only the engineers" to Gary Danko in SF, this was later downgraded to PF Chang's in Palo Alto, which to be honest I super happy about. Who does not love PF Chang!

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 0 (no more drinking!)
Shots : 0 (no more drinking!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more dinners!)
Weight : 176 lbs

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