Monday, December 14, 2009

Copyright fiasco!

Only Hank Commerce could screw up like this. It now all makes sense why Stan, our VP of Products and the creative genius behind Hank Orange Soda (tm) has been on a leave of absence. Literally a whole battalion of lawyers pitched up this week and seized a pile of materials and numerous hard drives. Turns out that Hank Orange Soda (tm) is a carbon copy of some soda drink from of all places Scotland. The rumor is that Stand simply copied the whole color palette thinking that nobody is Scotland would be paying attention. But global brands have a global presence, including their lawyers.

Just thinking about that, we are going out there saying we are the next big internet story and BAM! We use somebody elses copyrighted color scheme... and Stan thought no one would notice. What a dumb ass!

The creative team have been working 24/7 and trying to get a proof signed off by Henry. He's in New York this week, he's engaging in multiple partner opportunities (aka trying to scrape up any sort of deal). He sent out an email blast to us all about the "9 - 5 culture". Sure, we just work those hours only, are you kidding? I guess he has to break from the hectic contract negotiations at 5pm to get to the nearest bar to get a "well deserved" Martini, while the rest of us get this thing done. What a jack ass. The creative team are pulling their 'fros out tweaking the PANTONE by slight increments, well that's what they tell Henry. The simply have three variations, which they give them to him in rotation, basically saying that they did as he asked and here's the new sample. They are too bust playing Ms. Pacman to really put in a days work.

Henry loves to email from his Blackberry. Its a bad state of affairs when your CEO is telling the staff to "ENGAGE" and that the company is "NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT". Dude, haul your ass of the beach, New York or where ever the f**k your normally are and get into the office and engage with your staff in your company! The CEO is not a Monday Morning quarter back position, is not a spectator sport like you seem to think it is. You have to really put in a days effort like the rest of us. Roll your sleeves up and ENGAGE!

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 0 (no more official drinking!)
Shots : 7 (no more official drinking!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more official eating!)
Weight : 194 lbs

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