Monday, December 21, 2009

Everything delayed!

Well, that's my interpretation. We had a "CEO" update because Henry was in town and I guess wanted to show his new tan. It was 60 minutes of partnership opportunity this, amazing interest that, great conversation with XYZ (i.e. nobody you and I have ever heard of), blah-blah-f'ing-blah.

Right at the end, just before the whole front row fell asleep he said "..and finally...". We all jumped to attention, perhaps it was a Steve Jobs moment and he would pull out our iPhone app after 18 months of waiting. Even better, it would be our IPO papers. No even better than that, our acquisition by American City Bank!

None of those. He produced a long list of all the areas where we have saved money. All from reducing the pencil count, reducing the size of the coffee cups, you name it, it was there. The Asian dude who always falls asleep at the front, woke from his slumber and asked if that included all the people that were rifted.

I have never seen Henry turn that red so quickly. He marched up to the guy and asked him to add his name to the list and "F*k off back to f*ing ***** you f*ing ****" (censored to protect the young and innocent). Iron-Mike was seen marching him out of the office a few minutes later.

The net effect of the cuts? Well, we can't get shit out into production anytime soon. Mega Enterprise is delayed (well Henry said "Rationalized"), there is some project we have to do for American City Bank called "Moonbeam" which Henry says is going to be mega critical to close them as a customer. He also needed it to close a bunch of other New York banks. Sounds like the Shopping Cart all over again. So lets all hold hands, sing "Kum Ba Yar", and almost build and release something before its canned again.

Henry closed the meeting with a "Its been great connecting with you". Sure, now f**k off back to NYC (please).

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 0 (no more official drinking!)
Shots : 7 (no more official drinking!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more official eating!)
Weight : 193 lbs

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