Monday, January 4, 2010

Moonbeam sucks!

Wow, we are about a month into Moonbeam and its the friggin' same old story. The former Platform team are driving this, so there PM has spent a zillion years talking to the guys over at Moonbeam to figure out what it is and how we fit this into our Pet Transport system. I don't see the fit, but I just work here.

His boss quit a few weeks back so he can't bring out the heavy armor to fight the battles. He's a swell dude, one of those salty sailor types, just don't bend over. He did a brain dump all this week, we are at the stage where the platform services are all laid out, its time to build the Applications. Then lots of brown stuff hits the fan.

I can understand what's going on here. With Franks-Mom promoted to VP there was a vacuum in the Application team. After an arm wrestle, one Dev Manger beat out the other two and got promoted to Director. Sweet. Trouble is that she has to make a friggin' point in every meeting. Yes, we get it, you got promoted and are now very important, but please such the frig up.

So we get through the week, peoples emotions are high. Salty-Sailor makes a peace offering, but instead of graciously taking it, she comes over all "don't patronize me because I'm a woman". Can you lot just get along?

All of this just to automate the shipping of animals when somebody buys a pet online from Can't they just go down to the friggin' store?

Oh god, please bring this to an end, I can't take any more.

In other news... well, that would spoil next weeks installment!

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 8 (no more official drinking!)
Shots : 16 (no more official drinking!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more official eating!)
Weight : 194 lbs

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