Monday, January 25, 2010

They love me not!

Wow. Had my exit interview this week. I had thought that Iron-Mike was one of the good guys, but I now know why he's got that name and why he's one of Henry's favorite henchmen.

So he goes through the normal stuff, why are you leaving, what's your feedback. He gets all close and empathic with me. Hey, he's my friend and he wants to know how I feel so that he can make the company better. I get that vibe.

He gives me my final check, it looks low but I'm trying to read the info about hours worked as he talks. Its tough, he talks a lot. He then slides a form towards me, I need to sign this, I have no choice. I read the check, its missing my vacation pay. So I ask, "dude what gives".

I get the answer, if I sign this for, then I can get the missing vacation pay. What the fuck! I read the form, basically its a gun against my head if I even admit I worked here. I say I need to read this, he tries to strong arm me, the offer only stands right now, if I want the money then sign. I kind of say that I don't think they can do that and make my way back to my desk.

I get home. One of my room mates is a lawyer at some non-profit. She scans the document, always looking super cute in her glasses. She basically says "No f*king way can they do that". Cool. I get into the office the next day, I have three double expressos in 15 minutes.

I get to Iron-Mikes office. He waves me in and closes the door behind me. So I say, "Like dude, you have to give me the money and you can't make me sign that". He then gets super mad, lawyer-this-lawyer-that. I keep on saying that he needs to get me my check. He get more mad. I try to keep calm, but the expresso is working against me.

I say "Like, I can't leave here until you give me the check, I have rent to pay". He answers with a "F*k you, f*king mercenary engineer, who the f**k do you think you are making demands from me?". He pulls open his drawer, lays out his Saturday Night Special on his desk and throws my check across the table. It lands on the floor.

With a "Come on kid, make my day" look I have to choose between picking it up and loosing my focus on his weapon. I choose to leave the check behind, given Henry's history it would probably bounce.

So my new adventure starts next week. Its going to be awesome working at FaceTwit, my geek-Mission-freinds are all super jealous. So long Henry, thanks for the money.

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 2 (celebrating my last week!)
Shots : 18 (celebrating my last week!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more official eating!)
Weight : 197 lbs

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