Monday, March 30, 2009

Awesome open house!

Henry gave the killer of all killer speeches today. Since we have a hiring gap and the resumes are thin on the ground we decide to have an open house! So I dragged a few close friends in, did not invite everybody since there are only some I want to share the bonanza with when we go IPO!

Henry gave the whole soup-to-nuts of the boom and bust in 1999-2001. It was a great history lesson for me, I had not even started college then. He explained the core values of our employees, shown by the determination to beat off junkies, hookers and debt collectors in those first days in rented loft in SOMA. The pictures looked awesome. Then came the whole twin towers thing and Henry was so depressed that he could not visit NYC for months.

Then he explained how the Republican's will have the answer, they always do in a financial crisis and that the Democrats will mess it up if they win the election in the fall. They don't seem to have a chance, the washed up first wife of a disgraced president and a black guy who's name sounds like he's a terrorist.

He wrapped it up with a rally call that now is the time to put money to work, to invest and make something amazing. The people all stood and gave him a standing ovation, it was awesome.

Lots of great people to talk with but lots of interviewing to do.

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 0 (no more drinking!)
Shots : 0 (no more drinking!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more dinners!)
Weight : 177 lbs

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