Monday, March 2, 2009

I suck at chili eating!

There's a weird tradition in my team. But its cool as well.

We always have somebody on call from our team, we are the core and fabric of the system so we always need to be there. Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir trusts me to do this now, which is awesome.

We used to do it on rotation, everybody got their turn in order, you know where you are from week to week and so could plan. Big Bill, the Database expert in the team, super techie and has the biggest Afro, came up with a cool idea.

Basically at the team meeting each week, we select who's going to have the pager but eating Chili's. Awesome, its like being back at my frat house all over again!

So he lines up three paper cups and lids. He places a pile of chilies in one, and the other two are left empty. He them shuffles them around the table like one of those side walk games. I don't know if you have every seen one of those, but its a complete hoax. They have somebody in the crowd who gets to win, just to get the everybody else interested. Then they shuffle the cards or shells in such a way that you always loose. You would have to be stupid to get suckered into that.

So back to our selection mechanism. Basically you get to choose a cup, if its empty then you don't have to take the pager. Big Bill shuffles for each team member. Weird that I have been selected and then had to eat the chilies three weeks in the row. My bad luck I guess.

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 0 (no more drinking!)
Shots : 0 (no more drinking!)
Dinner : 0 nights (no more dinners!)
Weight : 180 lbs

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