Monday, June 23, 2008

Awesome, lets all get electric staplers!

I totally get why I can't order Eclipse. Can-I-Have-A-Latte-Sir sent me over to the IT and Ops guys. I think he wanted to have a fun and watch them beat me down. I'm sure he's bi-polar or something else weird.

So the long and short of it, I get dressed down for asking to spend money to improve my productivity. Not only that, DJ the VP of Site Ops at the company meeting then gave this long horsewhipping about spending money. How we need to stop using Microsoft Office and buy Electric Staplers on Ebay. I was confused until somebody said it was a joke. It was something about how one of those costs the same of Microsoft Office and why would anybody want either. So, I dig it. I never got Microsoft Office, I got OpenOffice (which is cool) but all I wanted for Christmas was IntelliJ.

I got so busted in the company meeting on a different front. Could not help myself, but got caught casting an eye over "her". I think Henry has me down as a marked man. I avoided talking to him at the beer bash afterwards.

This weeks food and drink
Beer : 5 bottles (up three from last week)
Shots : 0 x Bourbon (down 2 from last week)
Dinner : 5 nights (4 x pizza, 1 x Una Mass)
Weight : 168 lbs

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